※ Browse result(s) for Glycation

•  There are 95 proteins contains lysine Glycation site(s) in the CPLM database

•  About lysine Glycation

Glycation was proposed to be a nonenzymatic protein post-translational modification, which could occurr at side chains of lysines, arginines and histidines. Glycation was involved in various cellular processes while aberrant medication was implicated in human diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease, Parkinson's disease.

•  The distribution of species for the modified proteins:

Cavia porcellus (0)Drosophila melanogaster (0)Homo sapiens (53)Mus musculus (1)
Plasmodium falciparum (0)Rattus norvegicus (4)Toxoplasma gondii (0)Escherichia coli (0)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (0)Rhodopseudomonas palustris (0)Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1)Arabidopsis thaliana (0)
Others (13)

•  Please select one organism to view the detailed proteins